United Women in Faith
The United Women in Faith are very active in the church with all sorts of activities throughout the year. The purpose of all of our fundraisers is to raise money for mission programs that support women, youth and children around the world. We hope you will find and join a group that is of interest to you and meets your needs.
Open to all women who wish to take part! |
Bad Girls of the Bible (Bible Study)
Corona Ladies at Mission U
Faith Journey Group
Seams of Faith
Faith in Motion - Social workers in the Corona Child Protective Services Dept. with our represenative Linda
Faith in Motion - Social workers receiving children's clothing that had been donated
Pomegranate Jelly Table at Church Bazaar
Current activities are:
Special Events
Book Club Readers
UMW take a tour of David and Margaret
Women's Christmas Luncheon 2014
Women's Retreat 2014
We had a wonderful time at camp Lock Leven in the San Bernardino forest. Laura Prior was our fantastic guest speaker. Together we bonded and grew closer to the Lord.